TransMind International University USA.

University Working Towards Improving The Learning Partners’ Wisdom Footprint

-- Vision --

Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom

-- Our Worthy Cause --

Developing the Learning Partners’ Sense of Wisdom by Fulfilling their Academic, Research, Social, Ethical and Emotional Needs that Impact their World of Work, Environment, and Humanity.

-- Our Contribution Towards Making an Impact on Transforming the World --

It is the need of the hour to imagine a more important work for anyone in academia involved in teaching, learning, and researching to help promote and actively involve in this revolution of deriving value out of education to make an impact on self, society, organization, and the environment through awakening wisdom footprint among every learning partner is the massive initiative taken byTransMind International University. This novel concept of Wisdom footprint in Education developed by TransMind International University is a holistic and integrated approach that includes the combined use of awareness, experience, and insight to derive value and set direction through the 4 E concepts of Educating, Enhancing, Empowering, and Enriching people, which will highly contribute to transforming the world.

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© Transmind International Univeristy Inc.  2022